Thursday, December 20, 2012

Blogaholic Designs”=      HOLIDAY GREETINGS FROM ME TO YOU!

It has been an interesting year - I've released three books in paperback, one of those in both ebook and paperback just this year; the other two were already in ebook format. I've posted, Facebooked, tweeted, LinkedIn'd, done freebies, giveaways, interviews, solicited reviews, worked with a PR firm, asked advice from techies, other authors, reviewers, readers, friends and family, and slaved over a hot computer for hours on end trying to get word out about my novels. I didn't realize when I started this journey that being an author who works full-time is really like having three full-time jobs: the one that pays me, the one I love (writing), and the one that wears me out (marketing)! I have learned so much from authors, bloggers, reviewers, and others on FB especially who support and encourage each other and understand the struggle. The main thing I've learned is that you have to believe in yourself and the stories you tell. And I do!

Because you have been so kind, you authors, you bloggers, you reviewers, you FB friends, you "sharers", you "likers", you "tweeters" and "retweeters", and all the rest of you, I say a very sincere THANK YOU, and I want to wish you and yours a wonderful, peaceful, happy, and loving holiday season.

